The Biggest Homemade Yacht for the Russian Billionaire

A giant vessel named «Sailing Boat A» was launched in Germany, in the city of Kiel. This homemade yacht valued at more than $400 million belongs to the Russian billionaire Andrey Melnitchenko who holds the 11th place in the Russian Forbes list. “Yacht A” is already recognized as the largest sailing vessel in the world history.

The eight-deck 143-meter yacht with masts higher than the London Big Ben is equipped with an underwater living room with transparent glass walls. There is an electronic control system with a touch panel made of black glass allowing sailors to weigh and drop anchor and a sail with one sweep of a finger.

The tests took place in Strand, not far from Kiel in Germany, where the yacht was made.
The cruising speed of the «Yacht A» is 18 miles per hour, but if necessary, it could gain up to 24 nautical miles per hour, or 21 knots. The homemade yacht has a hybrid fuel system whereby there is an opportunity to run on both diesel fuel and electricity.

In addition, there is a pool and a helicopter landing deck on the yacht. The 143-meter hull of the yacht is made of steel with addition of fiberglass to reduce the weight of the giant boat. The luxurious deck is covered with teak wood. Illuminator glass is bulletproof. The safety system on board consists of 40 cameras located around the perimeter of the sailing boat.

Almost 100-meter masts are observable from everywhere. They were made by the British company Magma Structures and shipped to Kiel. These fiberglass masts have already laid claim to being the highest objects made of composite materials in the world.

After the tests, the homemade yacht returned to the marina. Apparently, there was no criticism of the shipbuilders’ work.


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