A wind, wind force, courses - the directions of the yacht movement

a lesson about the wind, a yacht course choice

Occupation 4 - the Wind and course of the yacht

Connection of sailing arms with the motor helps very much and does the vessel more convenient, increases «tourist" opportunities of the vessel.

There were cases, at that very successful, when even the most primitive sail from make-shifts built by boat, solved a problem of the successful independent end of swimming. Therefore, and also because of ours "some relation" to sailing courts we decided to tell how the sail works and how to move if the mechanical engine of the vessel is faulty, appears without fuel, or there is a damage, loss of the rowing screw.

Wind force and its influence on speed and the direction of the movement of the yacht is a main factor.

Therefore very first that the beginning yachtsman has to know is how to establish the direction and force of the wind, for this purpose we have special devices on catamarans. Then it is necessary to estimate wind influence on a yacht course.
We will list some names of courses against a wind:

  • head to wind,
  • wind on the bow,
  • wind abeam,
  • following wind,
  • back stay.
In drawing all courses are visible and also it is shown how the sail has to be settled down to go the necessary course.

Pic. 1. Yacht courses against the wind.

Being able to define the direction of the wind, it is possible to begin sailing by yacht with various courses, to develop skills directed by sails and control of the yacht to learn to lead the yacht to a wind and not to fall off.
It is important to remember that the sailing yacht as well as a sailing catamaran never goes directly against the wind. Practically the majority of yachts can't hold a course at an angle less than 45 ° by the wind; therefore for achievements of the purpose lying within this sector should be made a series of zigzag maneuvers in the relation to a wind (known as circulation by tacks, or varnishing).


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