Small city of great people. Once Perast was the city of captains and there lived only the captain's families and seamen. And now it is possible to see that all houses in the city, probably not even houses, but mansions, at least in 3 floors, are exclusive from a natural stone and with big orange gardens. Each house has its mooring. Yachtsmen like to go to Perast and to feel this spirit of old skilled captains, to pay a tradition tribute. In the sea museum which should be visited, there is the original of the decree of Peter I, to which he orders to send the Russian seamen to Perast for training in a seamanship, and at the same time another sciences and crafts. Opposite to the city there are 2 well-known islands – the island of Virgin Mary on the Reef and the lsland of Saint George. According to legend, on the spot where now is located the island and the Church of the Virgin Mary, suffered the wreck of the ship, but all the sailors managed to escape. When one of them already went to the bottom he found Virgin Mary's icon on the underwater rock. Then the seaman decided to create church on this place on completely artificial island. Annually on July 22 Perast's inhabitants celebrate "Fashinada", during which each resident by the boat swims up to the island and dumps stones, as if strengthening it.