A regatta passed on 19-26 of October at the Palma De Majorca Island, YachtVoyage Lagoon450 Ludmila catamaran took the first place.
Our clients on Lagoon 450 Assol, Lagoon 450, Natasha, Lagoon 450 Ludmila catamarans participated in this traditional Spanish regatta.They liked it a lot, here is their response:
First of all we want to thank Yacht Voyage Company for excellent service during International Multihull Charter Cup on Palma, for Assol, Lyudmila and Natasha yachts. The event took place remarkably; in it 53 persons from 7 very motivated and ambitious teams from the different countries took part. Lagoon 450 catamaran Lyudmila crew won first place having divided quantity of points with Otto Mezzo's team on Lagoon 500.
Astrid Haupt
We offer the small photoreport from this regatta