In the conditions of continuous voyage weather plays not the latest role in life of any yachtsman.
Temperature and humidity of air, atmospheric pressure and speed of a wind, all this decisive factors, which define stay prospects in the high sea on the yacht. Today the weather forecast is quite ordinary thing. Weather services and specialized devices for a long time facilitate our life, with high precision forecasting future weather.But that was, of course, not always. Imagine seamen in ancient times, when the technical progress was in an origin stage. Those days the ability authentically to predict weather was one from the defining skills of a survival for the person. For this reason our ancestors since ancient times paid attention on various phenomena in the nature and they carefully were analyzed, so there were signs, which and today can help us to define weather for tomorrow. In this article we would like to consider a little weather signs, after all you never know, whether there will be at the right time the Internet access working thermometer or other delights of a modern civilization. So, let's go:
We will look at the sun and the moon
• Concentric circles round the sun and the moon are the direct certificate of that a cyclone will appear soon. And respectively we wait for rainfall and a strong wind.• Pay attention to decline/rising of sun or moon. If at this time solar or lunar disk are bent or divided into parts by dark strips – then with a high probability we wait for an anti-cyclone, and together with it droughty weather.
• If at sunset it is possible to see dark clouds which have a red color at the edges - for certain tomorrow weather will worsen.
• The decline in saturated crimson tones promises cyclone approach, the strong wind is possible tomorrow.
• And here if dawn is in yellow-pink tones - clear day without any precipitations is expected.
• The pastel-pink decline promises good weather.
And what stars will tell?
• If the stars flicker weakly, casting a greenish tinge -tomorrow you can enjoy favorable weather.• Bright blinking of stars, on the contrary means rain.
Type, form of clouds, color of the sky
• Clouds fast-growing up in the form of towers – harbingers of a rain and wind.• Volume oval clouds - foretell a strong wind.
• The fast movement of clouds at quiet weather threatens with wind strengthening.
• The cumulus motionless clouds appearing on a clear sky closer to lunch, and disappearing by the evening — good steady weather.
• A deviation the movement of clouds to the left from the direction of a wind around a water surface - clear day.
• Cross or oncoming traffic of clouds in relation to the direction of wind - a deterioration sign of weather conditions and fast rainfall.
• The dense, quickly moving from the West plumose clouds, by the evening increasing means weather deterioration.
• The high-layered clouds passing in layered and rain - by "continuous" rainfall.
• Small low overcast in the morning - to deterioration of weather.
• After a cyclone over the broken-off cumulus clouds highly and quickly moving plumose clouds - sign of a new cyclone approach, it is possible to expect change of a wind from NW to SE.
• If in the West in the cloudy day sky there is a clear strip - it is possible to rejoice, the weather inclines fair.
• All sky has a whitish shade means rainy weather.
Change of temperature
• Abrupt evening or night temperature increasing – most likely means deterioration of weather.• If temperature strongly went down, the wind became colder, and the sky started clearing up a little - weather changes for the better.
Wind change
• If the wind became suddenly weaker – most likely its direction will change.• If by the evening the wind doesn't become weaker and changes the direction by the sun – we expect a cyclone.
• If the strong gusting wind gradually abates by the night - weather will become worse.
• Wind strengthening can end with a storm in the evening; in any case, we wait for rainfall.
• If with sunrise the small wind which amplifies, by the evening again a little during the lunchtime blows weakens, and at night calms down at all - it is possible to tell with confidence that weather will be equal and favorable.
Visibility assessment
• If subjects are in the distance visible distinctly, but at the same time don't seem closer - will be good weather.• And here if the remote subjects seem to you closer – it means rainy day.
• Subjects are in the distance visible badly – we don't wait for rainfall.
Still signs
• If birds safely fly far to the sea – means, weather will be windless.• On the contrary, if birds long time are near the coastline – we wait for a strong wind.
• Sea birds quickly come back to the coast – there will be a storm.
• If in the sea the remote sounds are well audible – we expect rainfall.
• Strengthening of the wave going not downwind – speaks to us about cyclone approach.