Check of the sailing and motor yacht before an exit to the sea - pledge of successful travel.

It isn't important, whether you prepare the vessel for a long-term sea charter or for withdrawal from a marine after the next parking, preparation is extremely responsible business. Depends on a condition of the boat not only comfort of passengers on its board, but that the most important - their safety. If you so far beginner in yacht business, but at the same time romantically you dream to become the skilled skipper, it is quite good to begin with theories of the vessel preparation for an exit to the sea, actually we briefly will tell about it in this article. So, what main actions should be taken before a charter:
1. First of all it is necessary to batten down tightly all hatches and windows, which for the helmsman difficult to check visually. If in time not to take care of it you can be expected by such "unexpected" surprises as wet bed and clothes, the damaged electric devices, gadgets, navigation charts and weight of other things, very useful on the yacht. All hatches should be closed thoroughly, i.e. to use all locks and bolts which are available in them.
2. In advance bother that all openings which are settling down below than a waterline are well closed, certainly, it doesn't belong to an engine cooling system opening. First of all, these are technological openings which serve a latrine and a galley plus two more openings for sensors sonic depth finder and log.
3. Bring an order to cabins. There is a rolling in the sea, the vessel often heels, imagine what will be with the scattered things and incorrectly lying subjects even during a small storm?
4. Heart of any vehicle is an engine. Any, even the slightest malfunction in the engine of the vessel can lead to very deplorable consequences, such as full uncontrollability of the vessel. For this reason it is necessary to check a box carefully. Check the level of oil and cooling liquid, test a generator belt, the cooling system and serviceability of the vessel course.
If everything works, then get under headway!
In more detail about the yacht device here...